So it seems like there is a baby boom around contrary to what the economy’s statistics say. This may be because I am at the age where my peers are getting married and having kids and all that but it still seems kinda sudden.
Anyhoo this brings me to yet another US import- Baby Showers!! I have now been to a total of 5 and counting woo hoo. Two have been within the last 3 weeks and have been thoroughly enjoyable. One was a mixed/ co-ed baby shower and was quite grand marquee and all sorts with loads of food and drink and games which the guys participated in willingly :). Good fun, good people good times and my friend is expecting twins (double blessing)!! I was a bit sceptical of baby showers to begin with I was a bit like hmmm can we wait till the babies get here safely and then celebrate but now that I have been to a few more I have taken to the concept a bit more… good people come together to celebrate what is to come and the mother to be gets a few pressies for the baby no harm there at all!
Now the second shower was last weekend and was supposed to be a surprise one but hormones don’t sometime give way for surprises. Mum to be wasn’t feeling too great and was not stepping out the house for no one!!! But alls well that ends well since she didn’t know who was coming and was pleasantly surprised all the same!! Now this one was for the ladies only and was a nice chilled intimate affair with games and food and gifts’ opening with lots of awwwwwwwwwwwws from us all. What is it with babies that make women turn to mush???????
The moral of the story is baby showers are not such a bad concept and no mother to be expects anyone to buy the cots and buggies for them (would be nice though, I definitely wouldn’t say no if I was preggers cos them lil things are expensive!!) so a small gift to help a friend along the way goes a long way. Big or small, ladies only or mixed it’s the thought process behind to celebrate what is to come and not a jinx at all :)
Popping up soon in a home near you in Ghana hahaxx
Anyhoo this brings me to yet another US import- Baby Showers!! I have now been to a total of 5 and counting woo hoo. Two have been within the last 3 weeks and have been thoroughly enjoyable. One was a mixed/ co-ed baby shower and was quite grand marquee and all sorts with loads of food and drink and games which the guys participated in willingly :). Good fun, good people good times and my friend is expecting twins (double blessing)!! I was a bit sceptical of baby showers to begin with I was a bit like hmmm can we wait till the babies get here safely and then celebrate but now that I have been to a few more I have taken to the concept a bit more… good people come together to celebrate what is to come and the mother to be gets a few pressies for the baby no harm there at all!
Now the second shower was last weekend and was supposed to be a surprise one but hormones don’t sometime give way for surprises. Mum to be wasn’t feeling too great and was not stepping out the house for no one!!! But alls well that ends well since she didn’t know who was coming and was pleasantly surprised all the same!! Now this one was for the ladies only and was a nice chilled intimate affair with games and food and gifts’ opening with lots of awwwwwwwwwwwws from us all. What is it with babies that make women turn to mush???????
The moral of the story is baby showers are not such a bad concept and no mother to be expects anyone to buy the cots and buggies for them (would be nice though, I definitely wouldn’t say no if I was preggers cos them lil things are expensive!!) so a small gift to help a friend along the way goes a long way. Big or small, ladies only or mixed it’s the thought process behind to celebrate what is to come and not a jinx at all :)
Popping up soon in a home near you in Ghana hahaxx